

Closing rate The rate
of sent requests that leads to a purchase.
Cookies A text
file that stores information on your hard drive about the
browser’s interaction with certain web sites. This
information is then available to web sites each time you
visit the site again.
Configurator An
application allowing you to add, remove and change
features and equipment of the car online, for example
colour, engine, and wheels.
Data mining Data
mining is a technique enabled by advanced computer
programs to find statistical relations between data that
humans did not previously know about. It is often used on
sales statistics by superstores to find out e.g. how the
customers react when placing two types of groceries next
to each others.
Electronic forms Like
ordinary forms, only that they are distributed and filled
in on The Internet.
First-mover An actor
on a market that is either the very first on that market
or by the least in the front row.
