
Indirect utilities for Volvo from dealer benefits

As we have seen, not only Volvo gain from introducing VolvoNet, also dealers can derive substantial benefits from the new communication tool. These benefits and utilities must be communicated to the dealers by Volvo as the dealer benefits also have an indirect positive effect on Volvo. As we have shown, there are several areas from which the dealer can benefit from joining VolvoNet compared to its competitors. This will make it reasonably easy for Volvo in their efforts to market the service.

Volvo benefits from the fact that dealers are able to, for example, retain financing sales and that the revenue is kept within the “Volvo family”. Thus, keeping the Volvo dealers competitive and giving them a leading edge.

As customers request offers and dealers get advance knowledge of customer preferences, the dealers can give the customer a visit of higher quality. As a result customers save time and the dealers receive more high quality visitors
resulting in more closed deals. Volvo gains from both a closer partnership with the dealers and a higher customer satisfaction rate.

As requests are monitored and information gathered by dealers, Volvo could use this electronically gathered information to further develop and enhance their products. This market information can later be used for individual marketing hopefully resulting in higher after sale customer interaction and a higher ACV.

With the ambition to connect all of the Volvo dealers to VolvoNet, the company would communicate and further enhance the image of a homogenous company all the way from manufacturer to sales representatives. Hence, increasing the customer confidence in Volvo as a whole, as Volvo and its dealers are seen as one unit. This will benefit both ends.

With these benefits dealers should not have to see the brokering services as a threat. Instead they should recognize it as an opportunity and by taking advantage of the opportunities given by Volvo and VolvoNet they can maintain or
even increase their efficiency and business.

