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Definition and description of the market situation The automotive industry is increasingly turning towards the Internet as a new communications and sales channel. The reason being that the Internet offers a new wide range of possibilities for communicating with the customers compared to traditional communications channels. These include multimedia, a world wide reach and 24-hour accessibility. In the first part of […]


Introduction Background Since the opening of the Internet for businesses in 1995, the Internet related investments have accelerated. The companies involvement in Internet range from having an e-mail address to having the entire business on the Internet such as and Boxman who sell books and CDs respectively. When part of the buying process is taken part on the Internet […]


The Balloon-model The balloon-model (Enstam, 1995, 26pp) was, as we have mentioned before, developed to structure and visualise problems that are difficult to measure in business economy terms. It has primarily been used in the field of human resources but is also applicable to other areas. The model is presented out of a business perspective. This implies that the focus is upon […]


Usage areas of the Internet The Internet presents various advantages as an information channel, but many companies choose to use it for more than spreading information. It can also be used for several other purposes. (Jäger & Winberg) has introduced a model that presents the Internet’s usefulness as a market communications tool for the individual company. The vertical axis indicates how […]


The Internet as an information channel For spreading information or one-way communication the Internet offers a new range of possibilities compared to traditional channels like for example television or newspapers for spreading information. Below, the differences are described as well as some of its implications for business. Multimedia The Internet is a unique communication channel as it can present information […]